Blausitges is proud to announce that we are now a BISPHERE COMMITED ENTITY.

The BIOSPHERE RESPONSIBLE TOURISM certificate is the sustainable certification program designed for the tourism industry with the greatest credibility and trust in the international market.

The first step to be part of the BIOSPHERE COMMUNITY is to be clear about the ethical and responsible commitment in the management of the tourism organization, as well as having a desire for continuous improvement in the areas of sustainability: social, environmental, economic and cultural.

By being part of the BIOSPHERE COMMUNITY, we commit to:

·         guarantee our community’s economic, socio-cultural and environmental balance

·         satisfy current needs of tourists and host regions

·         report significant benefits for the entity, society and the environment

·         protect and improve future prospects.

We also work on increasing efficiency, improving positioning and reducing carbon footprint of our activities.

All the Biosphere-certified businesses and destinations meet the requisites that award us our relevant standard, with yearly independent audits and in-person audits every three years. Among the certifiable entities stand destinations, hospitality businesses, tour operators, museums, golf courses, parks and zoos, and many others. We are all a proud part of the sustainable tourism revolution!

Biosphere develops a private voluntary and independent certification system, based on the principles of sustainability and continuous improvement in the eco-friendly tourism market. 

Through the fulfillment of a series of requirements, it offers the opportunity to entities in the sector to design products and services with a new model of non-aggressive tourism, satisfying the current needs of customers and users, without compromising future generations. 

This certification guarantees an adequate long-term balance between the economic, socio-cultural and environmental dimensions of a destination, reporting significant benefits for the entity itself, society and, most important, the environment.

Also, all entitled companies are aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations of the 2030 Agenda and are part of a truly sustainable community.

1-    No poverty

2-    Zero hunger

3-    Good health and well-being

4-    Quality education

5-    Gender equality

6-    Clean water and sanitation

7-    Affordable and clean energy

8-    Decent work and economic growth

9-    Industry, innovation and infrastructure

10- Reduce inequalities

11- Sustainable cities and communities

12- Responsible consumption and production

13- Climate actions

14- Life below water

15- Life on land

16- Peace, justice and strong institutions

17- Partnership for the goals

If you are interested in learning more about the United Nations’ 17 goals, click here

Blausitges is currently at the beginning of this exciting journey to green tourism and we know we still have many steps to take, but we are passionate about what we are doing and we are proud to be on the right path to a new sustainable tourism model.

Will you join us?